Poetry on the road:
Writing the way home

Thursday April 15th 2021 5:30-7:30 pm EST via Zoom

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Writing the way home

This class is for anyone who is longing for a familiar waypoint or for some moments of deep exhalation, and has the desire to explore that longing using the poem as a tool. It’s for anyone who has ever felt disconnected from the natural world, or the animal world, or from their own two feet. This class is for anyone who is ready to touch the earth again.

We’ll read work by published poets, engage in exercises to bring the mind and the senses and the deep imagination awake, and we’ll write from the place where those energies come together.

The only prerequisite is to spend fifteen minutes outdoors during the twenty-four hour period before the class. Outdoors can be a forest, a farm, a city park, a parked car with the windows down, or the steps of a fire escape — any safe place where the physical and the assumed mask can be briefly set aside.

Feel how it feels to breathe the air. If it’s been a while, allow yourself to be reminded. Take notes only with your senses.